About me

Hi sweet soul, my name is Charlotte,
but who am I and why do I do what I do?

I am a soulsearcher. I am a meaning seeker.


I have always been fascinated by life and everything that it encompasses. Whether it be in humans, which led me to the academic studies of Psychology, or animals and plants, everything that is alive fascinates me. I can study and observe it for hours. Contemplating, in awe, admiring, learning from life, learning from nature.

Therefore, I am a student


A student of life. A student of nature. Being curious and learning from every interaction.
As a human, learning about what it means to be human, while staying connected to our divine nature. Learning to be present to it all and find balance and harmony.

As a woman, learning about my cyclical nature and what it means for me to be a woman, embracing flow, living in joy, creating with ease, following my pleasure and learning to ‘be’, instead of only ‘do’.

As a sister, a daughter and a friend. Learning to find balance in relationships. Showing up, being authentic and being present to every different individual and their different expressions. Being there and holding space, while not compromising myself and my needs.

As a lover. Learning from every romantic relationship. Seeing myself through the mirror of the other, without becoming dependent on it for my wellbeing. Giving, without forgetting to give to myself first. Loving truly, deeply, profoundly, and showing how I want to be loved.

Seeing every living being as divine and something or someone I can learn from.

I am also a teacher


Teaching what I have learned. Teaching what has made my heart skip a beat, teaching what has marked and transformed me. Teaching my big breakthroughs. Teaching what I have learned from my greatest joys and my deepest sorrows. As many of us, I have had my fair share of depths and lows in this life. I could make a list of the challenging events in my life that led me to accumulate what I have learned, but that would be beside the point. All I can tell you is that every event in my life has brought great insight and wisdom, mostly in being fully present in the ‘here and now’, learning from every opportunity and appreciating all there is to appreciate, the ugly and the beautiful, all that IS. All these learnings have accumulated over the years and more and more I have felt the importance, urge and necessity to share these with the world.

Therefore, I am a guide


Lighting the way for others. Clearing the way for others. Guiding people back to their own true essence, to their own truth and knowingness, to their own genius and divinity, through the portal of their own hearts. Because the heart is the real guide. The heart knows the way. The heart is unmistakable. My calling, mission, main driver, vision or whatever you choose to call it, is to guide you back to your heart, so you can be led by it. It is what brings me the greatest sense of joy, purpose and fulfillment. It is what makes me and my heart feel most alive and what I feel I am here to do. Deep in my heart I also feel that this is what the world needs, now more than ever. More love, more joy, more connection, more sharing, more caring. And how can we care for another if we do not really care for ourselves? How can we love another truly if we do not love ourselves truly? What example are we setting then? How can we make a change in others if we haven’t made that change in ourselves first? My work is about creating that change within oneself. Awakening that inner flame and remembrance of your own true power that lies deep within your heart. Awakening that inner child that is craving for love and connection. Awakening the limitless divine creature that you ARE.

Above all this, I'm a truth, union and peace seeker, which can all be found in the core of our own heart.

I AM... and so are you!

I see you, I love you and I can't wait to hear from you. 


Get in touch

Whatever it is that you want to ask, share, say, I am here for it. So drop me a note below.


With love and care,
