Energy healing

A whole new world...


I remember going to an energy healer for the first time in 2020 and walking out of there transformed, like a new world opened up to me. A world I am fascinated about. I have always known that energy is real, intuitively, but there, in that moment, I really FELT the energy move through my body as I was receiving an energy healing. That’s when I decided to go deeper into the world of energy and become an energy healer.

What is energy healing & what is it good for?


Throughout life things can get in the way of our natural energetic state of being or ‘energetic blueprint’, which is the way we are energetically designed to be. This can result in blockages and physical, mental or emotional suffering.

With energy healing the healer helps you to neutralize, harmonize or active your energy and bring it back to its energetic blueprint. It is an intuitive process in which the healer connects to your energetic blueprint, lets their hands follow the energy of the body and does the necessary work to bring your energy back to its blueprint, so that you can experience feelings of harmony, peace, ease, bliss, flow, clarity, purpose, love, openness, readiness, joy, abundance. The effects are subjective and depend on what is present and alive energetically for you.  


No words, efforts or thoughts are needed for an energy healing, allowing you to completely relax in the moment. Energy healing goes beyond the mind and emotions, straight to the core of your being at the energetic level and that is the beauty of it.  


With consent of the client, it is possible that I use crystals during the healing, based on what I feel is energetically most beneficial for the client.



An energy healing session always starts with an introductory conversation in which we get to know each other and have the time to tune into each other’s energy. The energy healing itself lasts for about 20-30 mins, followed by a conversation with potentially some personal guidance.


Exclusive price of €44 now, subject to increase soon.

"A moment of total relaxation, letting go, being in the moment, enjoying the warmth and cocooning atmosphere. The scents and candles addep up to my experience. A wonderful moment of 'being'."


Would you like to book an Energy Healing or would you like to know more? 


Then book a short Discovery Call with me via the button below, so we can get to know each other. From there we can schedule an energy healing session live in Ghent, if it feels like a good fit for both of us.


I can’t wait to meet you!

With love,


Get in touch

Do you have a question about Energy healing or just something you would like to share?

Feel free to reach out by completing the form below or contacting me directly.

I'm looking forward to hear from you!