Live a heart-centered Life

Your 60 days journey

to a truly heart centered life


What is this program about?

After completion of the first program ‘Reconnect to your heart’ you can now enroll for this second program called ‘Live a heart-centered life’.


‘Live a heart-centered life’ is the game changing program in which we turn your dreams into reality and create your best, most authentic and joyful life ever, from your heart! We will do this by integrating your findings from the program ‘Reconnect to your Heart’ into your life in a very realistic and down-to-earth way.

This program is for you if you are ready to make a real change and start living your most authentic joyful heart centered life. A life that feels truly aligned with who you are and what matters to you most. A life filled with joy, love, happiness and inner peace every day.

"This is YOUR life, you are the creator, the designer. It is my role to guide you along this journey, step by step, to make this your best, most authentic, joyful, heart-centered life ever!"

This is for you if you...

  • Feel like you’re just ‘getting by’, day by day
  • Are tired of feeling unfulfilled, unhappy or frustrated
  • Feel like your life is uninspiring, ‘ordinary’ or uninteresting sometimes
  • Lack a sense of excitement, joy, passion or purpose in your life
  • Feel like your life doesn’t really reflect who you are, what you love or what matters to you most

 How would it feel to...

  • Wake up feeling excited about the day every day?
  • Love your life every day and always?
  • Live a joyful life that is truly aligned with your heart, your soul and your deepest desires?
  • Feel deeply content and satisfied with how your life looks and feels?
  • Step into the fullest and most authentic expression of yourself?

Coming out of this program you will...

  • Feel more alive and joyful than ever
  • Live an incredibly fulfilling life that you feel truly good with every day
  • Have clarity on your lifestyle in your different life area’s and your satisfaction with each one of them
  • Have created a lifestyle that suits who you are at your core, based on all the things that fill your heart with joy, love and light
  • Feel like your life is in complete alignment with the true ‘you’ and your heart’s desires
  • Live your best, most joyful and authentic heart-centered life eve, the life you’ve always wanted deep down inside your heart

What will this program look like?


  • 60 days - 2 months program
  • Conversation (Zoom or in-person in Ghent) of 1 hour every two weeks -> 5 calls in total
  • In every call we will:
    • Check-in on how you’re doing and what’s alive for you
    • Discuss experiences you’ve done in the previous 2 weeks
    • Introduce new experiences for the coming 2 weeks
    • Sometimes practice an exercise together
  • Experiences will be varied from reflection exercises to more practical exercises.

What’s included?

  • 5 personal guidance conversations over a 2-months period
  • All the activities, tools and tips you need to create and live your most joyful and meaningful heart-centered life ever
  • Unlimited email/message support as needed in between sessions



Exclusive price now: Instead of full price of 555€, now 20% off = 444€*.

 *(temporary sale)

Interested or want more info?

Let me know in one of our conversations of program 1 or send me a message below.

I can’t wait to guide you in to your most meaningful, joyful, heart-centered, vibrant life ever!

With love and care,


Get in Touch