Mindful yoga

What is Mindful Yoga and what it good for?

Yoga has different purposes. From more physical, to emotional, to spiritual purposes.


To transcend the physical body and connect to your mind, emotions and soul, the body needs to be healthy, clean and clear. Like a channel or vessel that needs to be clean and clear for energy to flow through it. Yoga is a way to cleanse and clear your body from anything that you no longer need. It’s also a way to strengthen and stretch your body and thus taking care/looking after your body so that it will be healthy and flexible for as long as possible. Healthy body = Healthy mind & happy soul.

On an emotional level yoga is a wonderful practice which allows you to connect to your inner world on a deeper level and to become aware of your (subconscious) emotions. By mindfully observing and noticing the inner sensations you experience during asana’s (yoga postures) and what these asana’s awaken within your body and emotional world, you can start to understand yourself and your emotions on a deeper level. It’s a way to become aware of what is alive within you. Therefor I decided to call it ‘mindful yoga’.

"Mindful yoga is an invitation to move with awareness, 

mindfully and become aware of your inner sensations."

On a spiritual level yoga is much more than just the asana’s (yoga postures). Yoga is a lifestyle and a view on life or a philosophy. Passed on from generation to generation since 2000 BC, its wisdom is deep, rich and broad. Yoga is what you do, how you do it and why you do it. It is very much about consciousness and how consciously you are choosing to live. Are you aware of your personal impact on yourself, others, and the planet and is that in alignment with how you wish to show up in the world, your beliefs and values? All of this is yoga as well. I will not cover so much of this more philosophical part of yoga in my classes, although I do sprinkle some hints of it whenever it feels appropriate.

What kind of yoga

do I offer?

1h30 Private mindful yoga


Mindful yoga will help you to feel more connected to your body, mind and emotions, so that you can experience inner peace, clarity, self-awareness and joy.


In my cosy studio in Ghent or in the comfort of your own home, we will practice a mindful yoga session. Every session will be tailored to you and how you feel. Every session starts with a brief conversation to understand how you are feeling and what is alive for you. During the yoga session I invite you to connect deeper with your body, emotions and inner world in a gentle and safe way. After the yoga session we will have a follow-up conversation in which we can dive deeper into any of the sensations/emotions/thoughts that came up for you during yoga.


99€ (+ transportation cost: €10 + 0,35€/km, if you want me to come to your home) for 90 minutes.

"Through the wisdom of the body we reach within,

into the world of our heart and emotions."

For who is this
kind of yoga?

This yoga style is accessible to all levels, from beginner to advanced.


If you want to

  • take a moment for & with yourself
  • disconnect from the outside world so that you can reconnect to your inside world, your body, emotions, mind and/or soul
  • feel and understand your emotions better
  • feel more ease, inner peace, joy and lightness in general


then I am very much looking forward to guide you through a mindful yoga session.

Happy customers

Charlotte's yoga classes are truly a time to enjoy and unwind. It clears your head and gives you a moment of rest, but also warms up your body completely. Highly recommended to relax in the hustle and bustle of today's society!


The yoga classes with Charlotte are really a perfect ending to a busy day. She takes you out of the rat race of the day and lets you arrive in the moment and with yourself. She prioritizes relaxation, with light exercise to wake up the body, so that at the end of the class it is ready to release all the tension. Charlotte is a very warm person, which she also radiates during yoga classes.


Do you feel the calling?

Then book a short Discovery Call with me via the button below, so we can get to know each other. From there we can schedule a mindful yoga session live in Ghent, or inside your own home, if it feels like a good fit for both of us.


I can’t wait to guide you in this beautiful journey inside your own body, heart and soul.

with love,


Get in touch

Do you have a question about Mindful yoga or just something you would like to share?

Feel free to reach out by completing the form below or contacting me directly.

I'm looking forward to hear from you!